Bring Back a Smile on Their Faces

Will you help bring back a smile on the faces of our people crippled by the COVID 19 pandemic?

‘Bring a Smile’ is a project initiated by Value Education Trust to respond to the COVID 19 crisis that is crippling our people in the community who are unskilled and survive on daily wages to meet their family’s day to day needs. 

We invite you to partner with us in bringing a ray of hope into their lives.

1. Hygiene Kits

We provide hygiene kits to vulnerable and downtrodden communities who have little or no access to the sanitation standards and amenities required to prevent coronavirus.

A kit contains:
  1. Paracetamol
  2. Vitamin C supplement
  3. Hand-wash
  4. Hand Sanitizer
  5. Cloth Masks (set of 3)
  6. Pain balm

2. Dry-ration Kits

We provide dry-ration kits to families of unskilled labourers surviving on daily wages.

A kit can feed a family of five for a week and contains:
  1. Rice
  2. Flour
  3. Tea powder
  4. Sugar
  5. Oil
  6. Bathing Soap

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